October 19th was the last day of the hundred day season I set aside to more intentionally seek God.
Originally I had planned to come aside three times a day evening, morning and noon as I read in the psalms, just to be in His presence. Read the word, pray, seek His face. It never did look like that… I mean mornings are usually pretty easy times to have a quiet time, but I rarely succeed at pulling aside at noon and evening often found me to tired to do all I intended to do in the word.
I intended to really study the commands of Christ so I knew how to live my life. I wanted to ask my heavenly Dad how He saw me each day so I could practice hearing His voice as well as get a better grasp of who I am. Occasionally this happened but not to the extent I intended.
However I look back on the last 100 days and have to admit a lot did happen!!!
I wanted direction and vision for ministry.
Little did I know 100 days ago that I was going to be moving to Wyoming and rejoining Cowboys With A Mission. Yet here I am.
I wanted to study the scripture and discover what it meant to live like a follower of Jesus…
Instead one passage rocked my world and instead of trying to live up to a list of commands from the NT I am seeking to live out just one verse well….
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself.”
Hard to believe how much has changed in the past 100 days.