gave up posting on that hundred days...cuase I lost my passward and could not sign as far as the hundred days goes, I may just start over, or I may not...we will see
God has really blessed me this trip!!!
I had no plans of visiting my mom or sending church anytime soon. I saw Mom, and severl folks from the church as I passed through last summer on my way to Kansas City with the Alaska DTS team. It has been about two years come October since I came out for an acutal planned visit. But it cost so much to drive out here from Wyoming..and with a new school coming up in Sept...I just wasn't sure I had time.
But then mom called to tell me she had figured out a way to get me to SD for free. My Step- Dad Dave was making a run (he drives Truck) to Canada and back and has been doign so every few weeks. she proposed that I hop in as he was headed back to the midwest and then catch a ride back out next time he goes to Canada. So with two days notice I packed my bags and arranged someone to water my garden and eat my strawberries that were just about to go red. and Gator and I hopped int he semi with Dave. It was a great drive, good time to catch up!
Mom has been working durring the days so I am actually using my days to work on my teachings. I will be teaching for two weeks durirng this upcoming DTS (Father Heart and Overview of the Bible) as well as I am developing a 12 week plan to bring alot of what we learned in Circuit Riders into this next DTS.) and evening we hang out. I spoke at Church last sunday and have seen several people at church, but have not yet connected with anyone outside of church. I should probably do that!
Usually when I come visit mom I also borrow a rig from them and drive down to Missiouri to see my grandparents, aunts and uncles on my biological fathers side. I was pretty nervouse the first time I went down there 7-8 years ago...but now I really enjoy the visit. He is not part of the picture just yet and Im 100% ok with that. but this year, money being tight I wasnt sure how I was goign to get that grandpa on that side has deteriated in health considerably.. so I knew I had to make it happen somehow. Being scheduled to speak last weekend and not sure if I would beable to head back to Wyoming this week or next I had to take what days I could get. Unfrtunatly the best days for me to travel last week was also the days mom had taken off to spend time with me. I jhokiingly suggested she come with me...knowing she had no desire to revisit her past.
But my mom amazes me!!! She decided to come along...infact she provided the vehicle, fuel and hotel for the trip. Anyone who has heard my testimony has heard me share that my mom left an abusive marriage with my bio father to protect herself and me. I am so grateful she did. My bio father was an addict, and dangerous man...she spent years fearful he would find us again and in order to protect us both cut off all ties with him, his family and even his sister who was a good friend of my moms. When I reconnected with that side of the family howver many years ago that was pretty nerve wracking for my mom and me. But I met my missouri grandparents and his siblings and relaixed they were not like, or responsible for the choices he made in life. I kept telling mom that she met the bad apple in the bunch. I am blown away she decided to make this trip with me. I think in someways it was healing for her. She really enjoyed gettign to reconnect with her friend Terri whom she had not seen since before I was born 37 years ago. My Uncle Jimmy was the only member of the family able to attend his brothers weddign to my mom and he joked about how Ross' being an hour late for his own wedding was sort of an omen wasnt it. One day we went out to dinner with my Aunts and my mom comments later that she hasnt really ever gotten to do that with her current sisters in law before and she flet very much warmly welcomed by them. We even talked about next time I should bring her with me again and we all should go to Branson. I am equally gald that now, she wont worry as much when I do go down there to visit my other family.
on top of all those blessings, in the past 3 days I have been given 1250 dollars. (500 of it came in the mail box back in Cody) I still owe the YWAM base 2 months worth of rent (June and July) so now I can catch up, pay bills and put alteast 500 of it towards outreach in Dec and January...and I dont even know yet where outreach will be though I personally am leaning towards South Africa. So that is pretty cool. Another practical blessing, my mom and I went to the store and buying new clothes or undergarments is not usually my priority so she blessed me by replacing some garments of mine that had gotten pretty stretched out holey and useless, plus blessed me with a dress outfit...cause I just happen to be here for my cousin's wedding (next weekend) on the Zierke side and I had not expected to be able to attend that, and hadnt even realixed the timing of this trip would correlate with the wedding. So that will be cool to see all my Zierke family too this trip...I usaully try to connect with my grandparents each time I come to this part of the country...but it has been probably 5 years or more since I saw the rest of them.