Monday, June 8, 2009

Lessons from MacGyver


“I think if you try hard enough and make the best of a situation, the situation won't get the best of you."

- MacGyver (Birth Day) Season 2

It was snowing yesterday, so I wrapped myself up in a  warm blanket, fixed me some hot chocolate and turned to YouTube to watch MacGyver.  It occurred to me that we all could a learn a lot from this man. 

Like instead of getting overwhelmed by the obstacles he looks for the possibilities.  He has a great can do attitude, and he will fight with everything he has,for those in need and for a cause he believes in.  Last of all anyone who can seal leaks with chocolate bars or make explosives out of pine cones is pretty cool in my book.

here are some other MacGyver quotes I found on line

"Everybody makes mistakes once in a while. The trick is learning to live with it." - MacGyver (Ugly Duckling)

"Another day, a whole 'nother set of fresh possibilities . . . I'm a sucker for mornings." - MacGyver (Slow Death)

“A good relationship is alot like a car. If you want it to work smoothly, you gotta put alot of work into it, and have the right tools." - MacGyver (Three for the Road)

“A man once said, "When you make a friend, you take on a responsibility." - MacGyver (Fire and Ice)

“It's occurred to me that some friendships are like a good game of hockey. The right balance of teamwork and smooth skating generally adds up to a winning combination."               MacGyver (Easy Target)

Pete: Are you okay?
MacGyver: No. But I'll live

MacGyver: Egg whites are good for a lot of things - lemon meringue pie, angel food cake, and clogging up radiators

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