Saturday, July 31, 2010

Are you a Thermometer or are you a Thermostat?


What’s the difference?  Well a Thermometer is that little gauge that tells you the temperature.  Weather it is hot or cold the thermometer will reflect it.  It has no power to change things in anyway just show you the reality of what you can already see and feel.

Some people are like thermometers, they get into a crowd and adjust to what everyone else is doing.  If they are with a bunch of Christians, these people can fit right in, but just as easily they can slip into the non Christian circles and fit right in.  They dress, talk, act and think like the people they surround themselves with.


A Thermostat on the other hand, is that little gadget in most rooms, where you can press a button or turn a dial and set the temperature for the room.  If you want the room to be 63 F you turn the dial set the temp and the heating or cooling system will kick in. 

The people who are like Thermostats set the standard for those around them.  They are the leaders among their peers.  People follow them, doing, speaking, acting as they do.  They can lead others in upright behavior or pave the way for sin.

God has called us to be thermostats not merely thermometers.  He wants us to have a positive impact on the people we meet.  It is up to us, we can let God set the standard and draw others towards it or we can allow the world, our friends or even ourselves to set the mark.  Will we burn Hot, Luke-warm or Cold?

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