Well by far the most recent news is we just returned from an outreach week to Soldovia, AK. It is a short ferry ride across the bay. The village is relatively small, but beautiful...especially when the fog lifted a few hours each morning and we could get a glimpse of where we were at. Personally I think the morning fog lift was a bit significant and representative of the purpose of our visit.
We (the YWAM team) partnered with a ministry called Carry the Cure, (check out their website www.carythecure.org ) who was invited by the Tribe to come in and talk in the schools about the simple fact that life is worth living! (They have had problems with cutting and suicide) We were there three days with a band of very talented musicians!!!! The first day the musicians held musical workshops in the school….that night we played basketball in the open gym with a few of the kids and then set up the stage and equipment. The next day we held a school assembly, where we talked to the kids about suicide being a permanent solution to a temporary problem. They played some games, sang some rock tunes and encouraged the kids that they were all unique and had a rhythm of their own, (as illustrated with them beating on garbage cans, brooms, a regular stomp session!!) but they had to promise not to stop the rhythm of their lives.
That night we invited the kids to come back for more music, more games, and more stories. They brought their families, people from the community came…the music was loud and the message of hope expanded on from the afternoon session. For Jesus is the source of True HOPE.
(Thursday) Today was our last day in the village, it was harder in some ways, in the morning we went to the high-school English class and talked to the kids about what they can do to prevent suicide. How they can recognize when it is a risk, and strategies they can apply in talking to their friends when they see they are at risk. We also talked about cutting….in such a small class I was surprised to see the scars on so many of the teens arms and legs. In the
afternoon they held a workshop for the middle grades on bullying. Afterwards one of the moms/leaders in the community shared with us the story of what prompted the tribe to invite us in….I don’t want to bog you down with the story cause I am still a bit overwhelmed by the sorrow of it…but pray for the youth of Soldovia both the white and native kids. Pray they find love and acceptance and hope in Jesus. Pray for the adults of the community, the parents, teachers, elders of the tribe, that they will know how to encourage those kids to pursue their God given purpose and to LIVE Life.
I just got a call this afternoon (Friday0, telling me that one of my relatives had committed suicide this past week. I am a bit in shock……while I was working with Carry the Cure and sharing with kids that life is good, they are valuable and suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, someone else I know gave up. Here is the thing I have been there, I have felt so overwhelmed by life that death seemed to be the only possible solution. Like those kids who cut themselves to deal with the pain in their lives, I too have inflicted bodily wounds to take pain from the inside and put it on the outside where it was easier to deal with (Punching walls) I found breaks, bruises and bloody knuckles easier to deal with then hurt, fear, betrayal….and often when I could feel the pain easing up so that it didn’t hurt to move my hand anymore I would go out and do it again. (much of two-three years of my life I walked around with sore hands)
I guess I share this so you know that I do understand, I have been to the bottom of the pit….if your there, don’t give up!!!! Find someone talk to them about what is weighing you down. You may feel like your drowning, grab hold of the life preserver, call for help, talk to people it helps!!! If you see someone struggling reach out, give them a hug, tell them you care. Suicide is 100% preventable.