We leave for St.Lawrence Island in just 5 short days. A month ago I was excited and looking forward to the chance to minister in this native community in the middle of the Bearing Sea. Right now I am dreading it. Quite Simply I don’t want to go. Where did all this nervousness and unrest come from? I have been trying to place my finger on it for a few weeks now. Last night I was explaining to one of my team mates why I was dreading the trip. “I hate that sort of face to face evangelism, it is not my gift.” I am not good at talking to people I don't know.” Anybody who knows me, has probably noticed this to be true. Get a group of people around and you will find me sitting quietly in the back corner watching everybody else.
So this morning I took my bible and journal and hopped into my truck to drive to one of my new found quiet places. “I don't get it God” I uttered. “Why was I so eager to go a few months ago but now that the time is here I no longer want to go? Even though I know you said You would provided I am full of doubt that the needed finances will get here in time? What is wrong with me?”
Than it hit me, I feel very insignificant! I feel utterly useless as if I have nothing to add to this outreach or this community. I have forgotten who I was created to be.
I am the daughter of the King of all kings. I am His treasured Jewel, precious in His sight. I am a woman of influence and authority. I am loved by my Daddy God. I am not going into this village as a nobody. I am going with my Heavenly King into a land that belongs to Him to reconcile a people He loves dearly unto Himself. I go empowered, sealed and confirmed by His spirit. I am royalty, and I go as an ambassador an official of His Kingdom. I have authority, wisdom, power and love at my disposal. I am not insignificant!
“The Truth of God’s Grace humbles a man without degrading him & exalts a man with out inflating him.”
- The Supernatural Ways of Royalty
written by Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton