A car raced over the bridge, and a little black fluff ball was seen flying through the air. The kids watched horrified, had the car just ran over the black yelping puppy or tossed it out the window. She lay helpless on the road, occasionally yelping painfully. Before the kids could get closer an old man walked by, yelled at the pitiful creature and then decided to toss it over the bridge to it’s death. Kids being a bit morbid as they were are , were drawn to stare at the dead dog, and could see her laying in a pool of water amidst the concrete and stones, totally lifeless. Or so they thought, until two days later they crossed the bridge again and looked to see the dead dog, only this time it was gone. Searching more earnestly they could see a black shadow with eyes, hiding amidst the garbage.
The little creature ended up in my care, to see if I could nurse her back to health. She was covered in fleas, and sewage, so my first thing was to wash her, then to get a little food in her, some milk and hotdogs mixed with pasta. she ate greedily and I took it away lest she cause herself to vomit. After that we ventured outside where I could observe and probe, she was swollen, her poop blood red, her torso bulged and twisted and she could hardly walk. She slept for two days, woke up, ate, pooped, peed and slept some more. Everyone kept asking for her name. I bounced around a few ideas, but truth is I wasn't naming this one till I knew she was going to live. Saturday morning I set her down on the ground so I could put my shoes on and while I slipped my foot into one shoe she viciously attacked the croc my foot had just left. She was going to live!
Took her to a vet, a new concept here in southern Turkey, her left front foot has chips in the bone but no breaks, and her hip has twisted muscles, hopefully they will come back into alignment. Some fleas spray, wormer pills and she is on her way to a better life.
I was torn, what should I call her, I was drawn to names popular amidst the Wyoming/cowboy culture, such as Shelby, Riata, Saige, Bailey, as was I drawn to some cool Irish names: Kierra, Rylie: Regan or Kenzie which sounds both scot-Irish and very western both……but nothing fit. Then one my students looking at the atlas says “How about Cairo or Africa or Asia?