Sunday, October 11, 2009

Death Sentence

Would want to make a proclamation of faith, being immersed in water; if in the explanation your friends told you was “It is the point in your walk where by law (in some neighboring nations) you can be put to death? “

Back home babies are sprinkled in some fellowships, others older children or adult step up wanting to be dunked, as a step of obedience to the L.  Yet it has lost its meaning, it is common.  In fact at Rodeo camp I have seen the same kids get up year after year asking to be re-baptized.  But life for the newly washed follower does not drastically change.  They go on much as they had before.  sometime you cant tell them apart from the lost around them.

In most nations where believers are persecuted for their faith, they really have to count the cost before saying “I want to be baptized.”  It is more like a conversion experience, a life changing moment. For at that point they are saying “Come hell or high water, this is the road I’m walking.  There is no turning back.”  In countries who put followers of J to death, it is the ones who have taken that step, that can be condemned.  It is at that point when a young believer says I want Him above all else, that they are mostly likely to be disowned by families, friends, loose their jobs, be tormented by the law.  I wonder sometimes if I would have the courage. 

I have been privileged to witness 5 new friends take that stand, since coming here.  Three of those were locals.  One was a very dear woman, who had a lot of fear coming to that point.  Yet she stepped forward knowing she wanted nothing else but Him.  One of the things she was worried about was the possibility of rain, she did not want to get wet in the rain and potentially get sick.  We hadn't seen any rain yet, so were not too worried, but that morning when I awoke the sky was heavy with clouds.  “Please Abba, don’t let these clouds deter this lady.”  I pleaded.  We loaded up in the van, drove to the sea and rejoiced as our friends took a stand for what they believe.  I took some pictures of the clouds that day….my camera (or the one behind the camera) did not know how to capture what I saw, but on one side of the sky it was brilliant, sunny and hopeful while the other dark, looming and threatening.  Yet the Light prevailed. 




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