Friday, November 13, 2009

Visa Run and Creative Concoctions

Well tomorrow morning I hop on a plane and fly to a city along the southern seaboard of this nation.  The purpose of this excursion is to allow me to leave the country and return with a renewed visa.  It should be a nice adventure.  The girls are flying with me as they have friends in the city I depart from who they can visit for a few days.  Meanwhile I and another lady will take a ferry ride to some Greek island (On Monday).  It sort of sounded like we stay on the ferry boat the whole time….I hope not cause I wouldn't feel right about claiming to have been to Greece unless my foot actually touched Greece soil!

May package from the states arrived so I have some good medicinal herbs and a cream that should alleviate those nasty symptoms.  Speaking of which I best keep this short as I am brewing just such a herbal tea.

I have been trying to make a real point of eating lots of veggies most of them raw.  I have made some great discoveries along the way….veggies aren't so bad, and I don't need ranch to get them down

First recipe I tried was a Green smoothie, a recipe I gleaned from Above Rubies.  You take one banana, and as many green veggies as you want, a table spoon of honey and some filtered water and blend them.  (I used lettuce and parsley the first time, added dandelion and spinach the second time)  I don't like the texture but the taste is just fine

The second recipe I tried and I really like this one!!!! Also came from Above Rubies, it was called Grapple Sauce.  Take apples, and as many greens as you like and blend together (I had to add some juice as my blender is not powerful enough to blend with out liquid)  I even through in some of the apple seed.

I have made a splendid salad using all those veggies, mentioned above, plus tomatoes, a few almonds, some olive oil and a smidge of tahini (sesame seed paste)  stir together and walah….however it taste best if you also add a hard boiled egg!

Steamed broccoli for dinner the other night tasted good, add a little chili pepper and it is even better.  Cucumbers and yogurt mixed together made a decent breakfast…….I even made chicken noodle soup from scratch…. I had never don't it before but I started with a few pieces of chicken that were leftovers from a dinner I had been invited to.  I took the meat off the bone and boiled the bones to make broth…..I was guessing that was how it should be done,later I added a little of the meat, some carrots potatoes, onions and more red pepper….I added a few noodles, but they were weird and could have been left out. 

The only concoction that I have created that I could not stomach was the pumpkin soup.  I have made butternut squash in the  past and I love is, so I made this much the same way.  Of course I could not read all the spices in the cabinet so I was guessing based on smell….I should have tasted cause I added something really salty and the soup was disgusting!!!!  I mean really, really disgusting!!!!!  I took one bite and offered it to Asia, who so far loves anything and everything I have offered her.  I have never seen dogs eat veggies like she does.  She even prefers them to the hotdog type things I regularly feed her (I refuse to spend money on dog food to feed some stray street dog, that will only be with me a few months!  Besides dog food is ridiculously expensive here where I can buy eggs, noodles and those hotdogs which last her for days all for less than 3-4 USD

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Learning to live with Unmet Expectations!

In planning to come I envisioned myself, teaching the girls who would be enthusiastic about every new unfamiliar concept.  I hoped my love for discovering something new would be contagious.   Often it seems like I’m pulling teeth.  I ask them “So what did we learn yesterday?” and they say half heartedly “Dunno.”  One consistently walks in and scowls all morning long till she wakes up enough to be sociable.  The other is almost always in a good mood, but a bit absentminded and oh so very messy!!!. I spend most of my time repeating myself, cleaning up after them or waiting on them….they are late to school slow to get stuff out for the next subject or always tuning me out so I can say, “Next I want you to get …..out” and not 5 seconds later they go “What do we need now?”  I guess the good way to look at is  I have the opportunity to grow in patience.  Or to learn to correct with out being harsh and critical.

I felt my being here was a great opportunity to prepare the girls for the upcoming experience of attending school in states.  I know I'm doing that, but it is frustrating when I continually here, “Why are we studying this, or I know this already or what does it matter?” They may not see the value now, but I have no doubt they will see it when they get stuck in a American public school and force fed the new truths that are commonly taught there.  They will always have in the back of their mind, “Wait, that isn’t accurate.  I learned this but…..”  Additionally I have no doubt the girls will be well ahead of their peers in both world and American History.  I hope I can also say that about their ability to write and express themselves…but so far we are still struggling in those areas. 

  I imagined myself spending my days discovering alongside of the girls, and my evenings working on my writing.  I have a story I'm editing and one I'm hoping to finish while here.  Not only would I have plenty of time to write my stories but I would have ample time to read, study and work on my teachings for speaking in DTS’.  Instead I quickly learned that if there isn't going to be a test, they wont apply themselves, so now I spend my evenings writing out tests and exercises to help them think through the concepts we are studying, in hopes that it may sink in.  So as soon as they leave each day I prepare for the next day or the next week…  So far I have edited one of my stories a little bit,  but I haven't written a single line.  That and it seems I never get a day off! On the flipside I now know more about American and world history, geography, English grammar and vocabulary then I ever knew before.  All this repetition and studying is good for me! 

When I learned that we had to take two weeks off of school, during the end of January, I thought ‘Cool! maybe I can take that time and do some traveling either here in the country or in  Europe.  I wanted to ride a train!  See the 7 churches or go to Ireland.  Instead I'm to spend those two babysitting the kids while their parents travel to speak in a D school out of the country. It is a great opportunity for the parents!!  I'm happy for them.  I came wanting to be a blessing to them and their kids, so I will smile and nod and never let on that I had hoped to make other plans.  Besides it is an opportunity to serve My Lord Je*us and say  “Not my will but Thine be done.”

I assumed that after spending 10 months in this nation I would really learn the language.  I would get plenty of chances to talk to my neighbors, get to use it….Instead I spend all my time alone.  I read my language books, when I have time…..I set up a study program for myself but truth is I have been here 3 months and I've only done two weeks worth of my studies.  In fact the only time I even hear Turkish is when I go to the grocery store or to the Sunday night meetings,   I don't usually catch what is being said, but I try.   I just learned this week I'm not going to be able to attend the fellowship meetings anymore cause their oldest daughter needs help babysitting the toddlers. I'm going to go home knowing little more Turkish then I came knowing.   I know that needing help with the little kids is a  good problem to have, it means they have new people coming who are seeking truth.  That is important and a worthy cause.  I will keep studying my books,and I have TV here, maybe I will start watching the Turkish channels and see how much I can understand.  and I can always practice by speaking to Asia, my dog.  If I spoke only Turkish with her I would at least learn to use it more naturally.

I envisioned myself using this time to get in shape, and to play guitar so that when I get home I look better and play better.  Instead the guitar had to be left at home cause I could not afford to bring it and all the books I was brining to bless the kids with.   Books they actually don't seems to care about.  And as far as working out…My body started this health issue two weeks after being here, and I can keep the symptoms under control most days but I tell you a long walk or a good work out and it gets bad……I can always make a point of mastering the guitar some other time, in some other season!  As far as the health issue this a season to learn to pray and stand.  this is a season to seek Dad, and when it is all over it will be an awesome testimony!  I will be stronger physically, spiritually and emotionally.  I may not go home weight 120 lbs….but If I eat right and work out faithfully (symptoms or no symptoms) will go home closer to that ideal then I was before.  I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday!!!!

I sort of hoped this would be a blessed time of friendship with the family and team here.  Truth is I spend most my time alone, preparing for the next day’s class, playing farm town, or being homesick for friends and the culture of Wyoming.  I often wonder, why I’m here?  My closest companion is that silly puppy that I’m going to have to leave behind when I go home.  This seems to be another desert time.  You know those dry seasons of life where things are hard and you have no one to turn to but God!  Yet when you emerge form such a season your roots are more deeply embedded in the One who provides all truth and nourishment.

Sorry I just had to vent.  I will got back to telling good news.   In fact I'm going to start by going back through this post and find the good news in each obstacle.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Speaking of Students….

YJ was just here for her English lesson, she does really well, although she does not like words with TH…  Have you ever seen the clip about the sinking ship requesting help from a German sub station.  the German soldier manning the radios confuses sinking with thinking.  I always think of that clip as I’m trying to encourage her to pronounce words that start with “th”.  (if you have never seen the clip go to YouTube, I know you can find it there)


I had one more great experience at YJ home last week that really thrilled me.  She was telling us how one day she wanted to take me and the mother of the kids I'm teaching, out for a cultural experience of some sort.  Something like the smoking gardens. –(They smoke apple leaves or other fruit type things mixed with or with out tobacco in those contraptions  the caterpillar smoked in Alice in Wonderland)

My friend said “but I have only seen men there.”  Yj agreed that here it is only men who go but she went to one in Saudi where her husband is from and loved it.  She then went on to explain how in Saudi you can go to this cafe and smoke.  There is a family section where women may go, or there is a men's section for single men only; as they would  not allowed to mingle with women who are not their wives or other close relatives.  At this point in the conversation my friend turned to me in order to  translate Yj’s words.  I listenedd to the English translation then proudly proclaimed “I got that!  I understood the Turkish or most of it anyhow.”

You know that verse about pride coming before a fall or the superstition about knocking on wood….well that was the last phrase I actually grasped out of the whole conversation…but still it was a start!

Tea Time


I was invited to have tea at my English Students home last week (We will call her YJ).  It was nice to be invited into the culture.  I am here in a foreign land but it seems I spend all my time in my house teaching or preparing to teach.  the only language I hear or use is the once a week fellowship meetings or when I walk to the grocers.

Anyhow YJ asked me and the mother of the family whose kids I teach over for tea one afternoon.  We went and were warmly welcomed into her home.  Almost immediately we were served chai and a plate full  of goodies.  Since I was fasting I offered my cookies to  Hannah the American families youngest (the baby whose birth I got to be a part of last time I was here – 3 years ago)  With out intending to I hurt YJ feelings as I was refusing her hospitality.  So through my friend translation I explained I was fasting. 

The Muslim culture fasts for 40 days every year.  During that holy month they abstain from food, water, sex, smoking etc during daylight hours but once it is dark they feast.  In fact they consume more food during that month than any other time during the year.   Special food are sold then too that aren't offered at another time.  They fast out of duty, as it is a requirement of Allah. 

So I started off by explaining that for Christians, if they fast they may abstain from food and still consume juice or tea, or some fast on only water or some fasts are abstaining from media or outside distractions.  YJ was bewildered, she had never considered a fast could look different, she was also shocked that this was a fast I had chosen, not out of duty or obligation.   This allowed me to share about hearing the voice of God and about not relation to Him as some distant cool deity but as a loving Dad.

At this point of the conversation a friend of mine (who had joined us) from Sweden jumped in. she speaks the language because as a child she and her family had fled Iraq as refuges, lived here for  few years before seeking solace in Sweden.    Any how she shared her story of growing up in a mus family, being a refugee in three nations, of her terrible home life, witnessing her father murder her mother, turning to alcohol for comfort.  She was placed in the foster system, bounced from home to home for years, and eventually being rescued by an encounter with J-s-s. 

I know YJ was hit with a lot of new ideas that are outside her box, but I hope it inspires in her a real hunger for TRUTH.  I also hope that we who visited her home were salty enough to cause her to thirst after Living Water.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

We have an enemy!

As some of you many know I have been fasting for some time (for physical reasons) though I always enjoy the deeper spiritual connection that naturally comes.  So I woke up one morning drank some water and had my quiet time.  I then took out the email a friend had sent to me of verses and prayers to pray and speak over my body.  I felt confident that this was a mere trial and would soon pass with no lasting harm to my body.  It was a beautiful prayer time, where I really sensed the power and presence of my heavenly DAD. 

In fact my prayer time didn't end until I was interrupted by the kids who had arrived for school.  So we started school, however during their math time (I am not needed as they have videos to teach that subject) I decided to grab my iPod, tennis and go pay some bills, Knowing I had enough in the account to pay the two due that week.  It was a cool morning so I put a light sweatshirt on and headed off to the place to pay bills.  Along the way I listened to the Joyce Meyer message about not doubting  or giving into fear.

As I walked I began to notice the strange symptoms I have been experiencing for the past few months were getting worse.  Trust in God I reminded myself and continued on my way.  I got to the place to pay bills, showed the lady the bills I needed to pay and she went into some detail why I could not pay them?  She soon passed my understanding of the language and I left a bit confused….I could not pay my bills…..  On the way home I ran into my friend, (the mother of the kids I teach).  Before I could tell her about the unprofitable trip to the bill paying place she told me how they had been looking for me, it seems the water guy came to read my meter discovered that the water had no been paid in this house since 2007 and decided to shut the water off.  My friend was in a panic over the matter so I became really calm.  “Don't worry, we will work it out”  I was thinking of my prayer time that morning, of the promise God had given before this trip about the flour and oil not running low, how I had already seen that to be true. and lastly reminded my friend that up until 4 months ago this house stood empty, so the water cant be that bad.

A few hours later the electric man came by with the same story, the electricity was to be shut off.  My friends started calling the landlord for me, demanding he take care of this (We have been asking him for the water and electric bill all along but it was never a pressing need for him.  I had a peace about the finances……

All the while the symptoms my body is going through was getting worse, embarrassingly so.   I suppose I had better explain for those reading this whom I did not email some weeks ago to ask for prayer.  I have been having my period for almost 3 months now.  Some days are light, most are medium to heavy.  This day was ridiculously heavy, in fact not just was I loosing blood but large fist size clots.  When I had put the symptoms into Web MD I got terms like cancer, tumors, and cysts….thus I started a 21 day fast, knowing that fasting often allows our bodies to detox, cleanse and heal.

So the landlord found out the electric bill for us (the water will have to come next month as we needed to install a meter)  I pulled nearly 400 US out of the account to pay the bills, leaving only a hundred in there….that bothered me… peace began to waiver.  I began to worry, what will I do about the water bill next month, the diesel fuel I need to for my hot water heater and the firewood I have to buy?

Then out of curiosity I got online to find out about those large clumps I'm passing.  The words I read threw me into a full born panic.  they may not be blood but the actual wall of my uterus?  I need that, I want to have kids one day!!  Peace went out the window.  I cried, pleaded with God, worried and emailed some friends back home….I was terrified.

One of the calls home I made was to Sarah.  I told her in detail all that was happening.  she prayed for me, and then asked me about words Dad has spoken to me about my future, about missions, teaching in D-schools, Alaska, CWAM, marriage, having children, homeschooling them.  Have you fulfilled those purposes yet?  So far all of them are somewhere in the future.  So I cant loose my uterus to cancer and still have children.  There is a lot God wants me to do with my life…that is no where near happening yet.  She also told me her first impressions were to tell me to add calcium back into my diet.  True I haven't had much, not just because of the fast but I dislike the taste of the milk and cheese here.  So I bought some Ayran (drinkable yogurt)

And you know what a few ounces of Ayran a day keeps the bleeding down and the clots away!  I pulled out a large some, but the electric bill turned out to be lower then we anticipated.  We went to the bill paying place and got the bills paid….I still don't know why it didn't work when I went but it is done for now.  I went to the pharmacy and bought some vitamins and minerals that promote healing and I still pray  and speak truth over my symptoms, trusting God for healing.