Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sort of a Bust…but not really

Well we are off to a wonderful start aren’t we?  My purpose with these 100 days is two fold. 

1.  Tending the Physical Garden -  By getting in the habit of working out daily…(I always good Monday Mornings it is the other 5 days of the weeks that I loose it.)

2.  I'm great as having a Daily Quiet time (most days) but in this season I wanted to spend time asking the Father to reveal to me things about myself (not merely weakness as we can all nit pick ourselves to death, but strengths, truths, affirmations. 

So Monday comes along and I sleep in a smidge getting up at 6:30…I had plenty of time to get up and work out…but not enough time to work out, clean up, cook breakfast and have a quiet time…so I decided to catch up with the Lord later in the day….only after being headache free 51 days…I got a headache.  It was one of the nauseating kinds where your eyes don’t work to focus…etc…needless to say time with the Lord never did happen.

Tuesday Morning, I still had a headache  so decided not to get up early….rolled out of bed just minutes before having to be in the office….but again my eyes would not interact with a computer screen…so I through my bible and my dog in the truck and headed to the lake…Had a peaceful time praying and talking to God…did some reading…sort of…That evening I decided to try out Gator;s new pulling harness….he pulled about 75-100 lbs of dirt…but he needed my help to get it started and then needed me to help when he got tired…however we added to our garden spot!!!  …so afterwards I took him on a walk pulling 25 lbs just to build muscle. 

Wednesday…still had a headache though it was down to a very dull and quiet roar….again could not motivate myself to get up early so ignored both working out and time with Jesus….late evening I took another walk with Gator…shorter this time as I did not want him to dislike pulling stuff!!!  and well spent time in prayer..but still never cracked open my Bible….however durring the day I sorted pictures from rodeo camp and well I hate seeing pictures of myself…so it was a good motivator of sorts….I thought I want to look fit, but next Rodeo Camp.

This Morning I got up 5:30, worked out, spent time in the word, and realized that even though my week has not yet looked as I planned, each day I did exercise a little and each day I did spend time with the Lord. 

Most importantly Each day I did take some time to Ask My Dad to show me truths about myself.  

2.  I am a member of a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of God’s Own choosing.  (1 Peter 2:9)

3.  I am a leader, called and empowered by God;  I have much to give and pour into others.

4.  Blessed be the Lord my rock, Who Trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle.  - Psalm 144:1

5.  I am the temple of the Living God.  (thought that hit me while listening to a a worship song with the lyrics “My God is not dead. He is surely alive and He’s living on the inside, roaring like a lion.”

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