Some things I learned while studying Judges 6-7:
Gideon is a great example of God using broken imperfect people to accomplish great and mighty things!
Gideon is a man marked by fear, doubt and insecurity. Yet God looks at him and calls forth his potential. While hiding in a wine press God calls him a mighty man of valor. For the next few chapters we can’t help but see Gideon’s timidity as he steps forward in obedience, in all honestly his failures probably outweigh his victories. And yet ever so patiently God keeps reassuring and confirming again and again His promise to be with Gideon. I am so grateful for our patient and merciful Father!
I love how God strengthens Gideon’s courage by assuring him that He will be with him. We’re all familiar with that quote that courage is not the absence of fear but it is going forward in the midst of fear.
The Bible is full of examples of people that God asked to do something absolutely radical and yet in obedience they take that first what looks like to be a ridiculous step of faith. Noah was asked to build an ark that would save all of creation from a flood. So many questions could have run through his head like God Couldn’t we just move or what is rain exactly?” Yet Noah picked up the axe and he felled that first tree. Abraham and Sarah were old and barren when God promised them a child. The Israelite priests had to step into the raging river before God stopped the waters David was but a boy when anointed to be king. Peter stepped out of a boat and onto water.
We tend to want neon lights, audible voices from the Lord, to have every single detail put in place before were willing to step out into what God is calling us. It’s way too easy to talk ourselves out of some crazy looking step of faith. But that’s what God wants he wants us to step out and put 1 foot in front of the other even when we don’t know how that first step is going to go. Peter could’ve stood in the boat until God made the water solid like a bridge but instead he had to step out knowing there was a great probability that he would sink.
What big crazy beyond you idea is God whispering to your heart what is the first step of faith and obedience that you can take towards that goal?
Chapter 7 goes on to talk about how Gideon gathers the largest army he possibly can (even though he is still outnumbered 4:1). Yet God begins the process of whittling the army down. Why? Because God does not want the glory to belong to mankind he doesn’t want Gideon and the nation of Israel to ever think “hey, we did it ourselves”. By the time the battle is to commence Gideon heads out with 300 men (outnumbered 450 to 1) armed with a trumpet and torches hidden in a clay pots. They may have carried swords but if so they were sheathed for their hands were full and in truth they had no need of them.
Imagine the scene. creeping up in the dark this small troop surrounds a valley that looked to be filled with slumbering soldiers and their camels to numerous to count. . In unison they blasted their trumpets, shattered the clay pitchers so that their torches shone brilliantly and cried out “the sword of The Lord and Gideon!” The slumbering army gets up and in a panic, with cries of fear and bumbling attempts to flee they draw their swords killing whoever stands in their way. All the while the Israelite army was able to stand still and see God defeat the enemy.
My first thought on reading the description of God whittling down Gideon’s army was God wants us to lean on Him not our own strength. So often those seasons of heartbreak and trial are God whittling down the things we lean on apart from Him. In my own life I can see this to be true. Everything I held to as a support or source of strength slipped through my fingers. Alone I found I still had God and in having God I was never truly alone or without.
As the pitchers were broken and the radiance of the torches revealed I thought of how often our Earthly vessels have to be broken for the light of God shine in its brilliance.
Listening to JD Greerer speak on this chapter , he talked about the broken vessels. He pointed out how our weakness cracks and imperfections are opportunities to glorify God. When we can’t He can! Briefly he mentioned the Japanese art form of Kintsugi. Where cracks and breaks are repaired and highlighted in gold. Where instead of throwing out the broken vessels as is so often our tendency, they are restored in such a way that their value is greater than it was beforehand.
That is so like God!!! He sees us in our brokenness and sometimes He even leads us down bumpy trails that may add to our brokenness so that we see our desperate need and lean on Him!!! He then repairs those cracks in such a way our need for Him is highlighted. He then goes on to uses us more than our wildest dreams could imagine!!!
I think of the bread Jesus used to feed the multitudes. Over and over again you’ll see the phrase repeated in the New Testament that He took the bread He broke the bread He blessed the bread and He gave the bread. Likewise He takes our lives into His hands. He allows us to be broken to see our need for Him. In that place of brokenness He blesses us, fulfills and multiplies us. He then gives us back as a blessing to others as a miracle that draws others unto Him.
Quoting JD Greear again “God does not call the brave, He makes brave the called. He does not a appoint the equipped, He equips those He has appointed.
One of my missionary heroes Hudson Taylor once said “All God’s giants have been weak man. Who did great things for God because they reckoned on God being with them.
Daniel 11:32 says “....those who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits!”
Seems I'm always on the go, and it is hard to keep up with family, friends and even God. So this is my place to connect, to share what is on my heart; no matter where I may be hanging my hat theese days.
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Friday, September 7, 2018
I first
heard this term while binge watching Hawaii 5-0 on Netflix. In the first few seasons it seemed nearly
every episode the characters (members of a law enforcement team) would use the
term Ohana in several of their conversations.
As they explained it, the term is Hawaiian for “family”. They were not talking about a family limited
to flesh and blood, but a family birthed through covenant. It’s an intentional choosing of others; a
tribe or people who claim you as their very own. It’s a place to belong. As I watched this show I could not help but
notice how empty my life was of Ohana and how much I longed for it.
members of the body of Christ used to refer to one another as Brother and
Sister. This is Brother Bob and he is
married to Sister Julia. I am not sure
if the terms were because they truly viewed others as adoptive siblings, or it
was a formality…but the tradition has faded in most church settings. I go to church with a bunch of people on Sunday
morning that I don’t really know in my day to day life. I recognize they are members of the same
family of God, but they don’t really feel like my legitimate family. Add to
that within our communities we have so many different houses of worship. Each with their own name, congregations and denominational
theology, etc. Sometimes the different
representations gather for a community related thing but mostly they keep to
their own four walls and traditions They
all may claim the name of Christianity but they view one another with pride in
themselves and disdain for those that don’t share their particular brand. They sure don’t act like a single family but
a bunch or distant possibly even feuding clans. I can’t imagine the pain in God’s
heart as a Father when He looks on the body, broken and divided as it is,
I will be
honest I don’t like church as it is normally represented. I am completely turned
off when someone base their doctrinal argument on the teachings of some fallen
man. It breaks my heart that in my own flesh and blood family there is teaching
of man in the way that hinder us sharing communion together. I am bored to death with attending a church
service on Sunday and conversing in small talk.
When I ask how you are I don’t want to hear the standard fine, I want to
hear your highs, lows hope and dreams. I
want to see people through God’s eyes and I want to be seen truly myself. I guess I have been spoiled.
my life to Christ back in 1997 I was nearly immediately influenced by friends and
family who were each part of differing expressions of the body of Christ. My parents were Lutheran, one cousin Baptist,
one Charismatic, two friends in a false teaching that claimed Christianity and
so many others. I asked questions of all
of them. Each had their own interpretations of what the Bible meant when it
says…… I had to learned to dig into the Word
of God to sort out the differing opinions. Rejoice in the Truth shared and
overlook the differences that were not black or white. Soon I was enveloped into a team ministry made
up of people from several Christian backgrounds. I had friends who were Amish, Baptist, Mennonite,
CMA, Pentecostal, Presbyterian the list goes on. I learned so much from each of them. We focused on our similarities not our
differences and soon I could see as long as we had Jesus in common, His blood
was truly thicker than water!!!
Serving in
team ministry we did life side by side.
We worshiped together, studied together, ate together, prayed together,
played together, hung out together. You
get the jist. My life was closely knit
with the people I fellowshipped with. I
could look around the meal table at any moment and say this is my family, these
are my people this is my tribe!!! This
is what nearly my first two decades of following Christ looked like!!!! I was
so blessed not to have the "Normal" church experience, but the abundant one
instead!!! In all reality, I probably experienced the Family God intended for all of His kids
I imagine I
got to live a reflection of the church as found in Acts. In those days Chruch was the church of
Corinth or Ephesus, etc. it was the Conglomerate
body of the entire region. They may have
met in larger groups in the Synagogues or by rivers on the Sabbath. Yet throughout the rest of the week they
broke bread in one another’s homes, they gathered together in small handfuls of
people to fellowship, pray and encourage one another. They did life side by side. Teachers taught and mentored not just in
words but in doing life with their followers.
Many sold their possessions choosing
instead to share all things in common, so they could better care for the poor,
widowed and orphaned. Imagine if you
will a commune without the sex, drugs and cultic leaders.
That is the concept
of Family God intended for His Body the church.
That is Ohana. A family, clan,
tribe made up of people intentionally chosen, adopted and united by the blood
of Christ. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Spiritual Mothers and Fathers not
just in formality or overused but unfelt name…but in function!
I grew in Christ in an environment surrounded by Family in the truest sense. I was mentored and loved by Spiritual mothers
and fathers, encouraged, taught and shared life with friends who became as
close as any brother or sister. I have invested
in people that I soon looked on with the love, protectiveness, pride and
passion any mama bear has over her cubs.
My last Christmas
with the Nicholson I was given a family tree plaque. Although some of the branches on that tree
represent my blood family, many more represent my adoptive kin. That gift meant so much to me, cause for me,
family has long since been so much bigger than people whose last name I share.
That loss of
kinship has been the biggest hole in my life the past few years. Most of you
know the story or part of it anyhow. I
had a break in the team I ministered with for nearly 17 years. Words
were spoken and ties were cut. Covenant broken. Both parties are guilty, but I suspect
neither party fully sees or owns their part. I still don’t fully understand how Christians
can walk away from covenant relationships. I did not think it was possible. I did all I knew to do. The pain has
been worse than anything I have ever felt. And to be honest held me prisoner to
my own hurt and unforgiveness for so long and left me to terrified and crippled
to say yes to another ministry, leader or vision. That's why it has been three years and I let all those other ministry doors grow cold on the back burner...I was to scared to trust again.
My experience was broken, not by God and not by people but torn asunder by the enemy who comes to steal kill and destroy. I love the people involved still. but I lost this beautiful picture of what church can look and feel like and fumbled
my way into what church looks like for the vast majority of Christians. I have my blood family, I have my work
relationship, I have people I reach out to and I have crowds of strangers I
cross paths with. in attending church on Sunday mornings or Wednesday
evenings I have my church. These circles
don’t overlap much…and truth be told I don’t feel seen let alone known in any
one of them. To me it is such a foreign
land to walk in and yet It is normal for most everyone I know, even the
I miss the
sort of fellowship and intimacy that I have known as “normal” in the circles I
ran with. I miss doing life in a community who shared my
love for God, and His truths. I miss
sharing a common vision with the team around me and working to reach out and
love others. I miss having shared goals
and vision that drastically impacts not just my life and calling but all of ours.
In the past
year or two of trying my hand at a "normal" life. I have grown in my dissatisfaction at what most find to be normal, I find I
am longing for so much more. It has been a time
to wrestle out what I’m looking for and what I bring to the table. I miss full time ministry but I'm enjoying this season of a job that pays. I don’t want
to leave the church that was the first to send me out into missions….but I also
don’t desire to go, just to go. I am rebuilding connections with loved ones who I stepped back from as I grieved.
I keep
coming back to the verse in Psalms 68:6 “God sets the Solitary in Families”
My entire
Christian walk was Him surrounding me with family to run with, for a season or
a lifetime. Some really were related by
Blood, but God strengthened the ties by building on a shared love of Jesus.
Others became family through shared time and circumstances. So much so I don’t differentiate
between blood by relation or blood by Jesus.
Others were family for a brief season.
The time we shared life may have been short but the ties went deep. Even overseas the people I lived with became
extensions of that family!
Sometime it
was other families opening their arms and welcoming me in…..but as I grew in
the Lord it was me opening my heart and arms to welcome others in. In any team I led my greatest desire is for
the season that we shared together we would become “family”
I realized that
although I am looking for a Family of believers to do life with, I am also
looking for lonely hearts in need of a family. I long to share my meal table
and living room and heart with people needing a family. I want to be the house with coffee pot always on.
Remember my
mentioning the Christmas gifts of a family tree earlier? I dreamt once I hung that plaque on the wall
in the hall way of my future home and extended the branches off the picture onto
the wall itself. From one branch hung my
mom, Dave’s picture followed by John, Matt and of course room for Matt’s
girls. The Nicholson Clan had their own cluster
of limbs. My Underwood, McCoy and Zierke
roots each had a group photo. On each extension of the tree were images of folks
who God has grafted into my life, “framily” Friends +Family. There were pics of Masons/Viles, Kingstons, and
YWAMers all over the world. But one
branch the one representing my own line extended all the way down the long hall
way. From this branch hung pictures of
children God has already called me to pray for, (kids I’ve met and loved over
the last 20 years) and kids I will one day call my own. Whether that biologically, foster or via adoption. In my dream I was hanging a child’s picture on
the wall and telling the kid, motioning to the entire wall Families are not
just blood, this is my family, and now this is your tribe too.”
I don’t know
what life will hold but I know I am looking for my Ohana. We are all created to be part of a
family. I am called and gifted to create
family, to nurture family and to build it.
I know who some of them are, you
reading this might be part of my tribe of intentionally chosen FRAMILY…..but
there are members of my tribe I have not yet met. They may be people who I will
look to as mentors or folks I can run with. There are even ones who may come to
the table empty and broken and I am called to pour into.
The Coffee pot is on, Come on in!!!
Friday, August 3, 2018
Determined to Dig Another Well
So what would it look like if every time you opened your Bible, or heard a sermon or God spoke to your heart you determined to apply and obey one take away truth to your life? How would your life and walk change? Where might you be?
So often on Sunday morning we hear a sermon and walk away thinking that was a “good” message.... but then by evening we can’t even remember what the preacher talked about. Let alone have a plan to make it real in our day to day. Or how many times have you opened your Bible in your private quiet time and discovered a beautiful gem of truth... but then a few days later it’s memory has faded. Or what about the times you feel you have heard God whisper for you to do something or say something... but the moment passes with no step forward on your part?
But what if we treasured the Word of God? What if we heard every sermon as if God had something in it for me personally? What if we looked for Rhema words in tho Logos? What if we took those little whispers to heart and valued them as clear cut commands?
Some of you are reading that and saying but of course I treasure God’s Word! I learn so much. Messages, written and heard so often minister to my heart! I try to do His will.
I am not trying to question yours or even my love of God’s Word. But I think we all should seriously weigh out how well we put those truths into practice in our lives.
For me I’m tired of recording a truth in my journal that jumped out at me while reading the word and then some weeks, months or years later recording a similar idea as if it was brand new to me! It greives me when I look back on an idea I Know God inspired only to realize weeks or months have past and I have not obeyed. I want to bring each truth into my life and walk immediately. I want to grab hold of these truths and make them mine.
I’ve felt convicted lately of my own spiritual laziness. Every week I’m renewing my commitment to follow through on something I know I ought to do but I still don’t do it. My journal is full of gems God showed me, but then some months later God is showing me again and I forgot it was a lesson already learned. For months now I’ve had hundreds of little ideas, visions for the future, messages I felt impressed to share, letters to write, phone calls to make etc and I’ve done none of it. Or at-least very little of it. I know my hesitation to follow through is grieving God’s heart.
So what now? Well part of moving forward is just this making a choice to follow through with the things I know God is calling me to.
One of those is to take those little gems of truth discovered in quiet times or built on through a message at church or a good book and share them. I am a teacher of the word who has spent the last year in a half maybe even the last 3 years hiding out in a cave. I’m a dreamer of big visions from God who has kept things close to the vest for way too-long. I’ve walked through a desert of grief...and only just now ready to share the journey of healing out-loud. I’m someone who once committed to live stomped on and retreated....but all along I’ve known God never called us to retreat. He called us and equipped us to to stand our ground and advance!!! To live life with others!!!
So I guess all that to say if I’m doing what I feel God is prompting me your about to hear a lot more from me. Encouragements from scripture, vision for the future and some depth not surface even in the hard stuff!!!
Once I remember my own password I will probably use that blog to share.
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Turn the water on
for a quote fit for a memorial service I stumbled on another gem that got me to
L’Amour is credited with advising
“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is
turned on.”
the last year and a half or so God has spoken so many truths, shared some
precious nuggets and gems that have ministered to my heart and often I was sure
would bless another. I knew I ought to
share it, face to face with someone of via Facebook or even this blog or at
least record it in my journal so I could come back to it, for later. Sometimes I knew it was not just a matter of
‘I should share this as it might encourage someone else’, but I knew with an
urgency ‘I need to share this now, today, it will be a timely word for someone
who needs to hear it as desperately as I just did.
lies the problem…I never followed through.
I never called the people up who I hoped to encourage, never made the
time to visit, never even typed up the revelation that I had found so
engaging. Never once took that
step. ‘I’ll do it later, I will
remember, I could never forget such a profound and amazing truth’. My mind lied
to me and lulled me into a false security.
knew I was being disobedient to the Lord’s leading….I knew from past teachings
that part of continuing to hear from God is to respond to what He is telling
you today. He is still obviously
speaking and ministering to me out of His word.
I glean much from the words of other sound Bible teachers and I still
can discern that still small voice He whispers into our hearts with, I figured I must not have failed Him to
immensely He is still showing me cool things, though hoping I do more with them
then set them on the shelf for some later date.
few weeks ago a message from Church went right along with something God had
been teaching me some months ago and I again felt impressed with the need to
share and so I started talking out loud in my truck imagining how I might share
and I found I could not grasp the gem I had so treasured in my heart months
earlier. It was still there, I knew it’s
content and how it spoke to my life and my future, but I could no longer recall
it with vivid clarity. Talking with a
friend the other day something she said reminded me of another truth God had
taught me and I hoped it would meet a need in her heart. I opened my mouth to speak but the thought
flitted away from me like a mouse might scurry through groping fingers. I could touch it but could not articulate
it. It came out more like
“You know, I was reading this not long ago…it
said………well….it was so good, it reminded me of……uh….shoot,, never mind it
is on the tip of my tongue but I cant recall what I wanted to say exactly….
Maybe late when I;m not trying so hard to remember the thought will come to me.
about Brain Fog!!!!
is not that God has quit speaking He is a Father who loves His kids and is Faithful to teach and guide us….but my Spirit may be lacking in its ability to
truly receive. Perhaps I have grown hard-hearted, dull eared and close minded.
all know the allegory seen in the dead sea.
It is a body of water with water flowing in, but nothing flowing out and
over the years it has become salty, stagnant and nothing can live in it. From early on in our Christian walk we have
been encouraged to give away the truth God has instilled in us not to let it
stagnant in us
have been failing in that area. I am
gifted as a teacher, but really, I have not shared anything I am learning. If you want to know the truth I have even
really related to people in over a year.
I am still digging in the Word, (though not nearly as faithfully as was
my habit). Sadly, I never or at least
almost never speak out the things that were once bubbling over in my
heart. It used to be easy to take a
truth God had shown me and share it with others via words of my mouth or words
through typing….but now I’m not sure if the water is still bubbling with
passion and life or slowly simmering away.
I don’t want to be the DEAD SEA!!!!!
when I stumbled on the Louis L’Amour quote I knew it was time to turn the
faucet on, prime the pump if need be! I
am responsible to communicate the things God has been trying to teach me. And Not put it off until later, or next week,
or next year. I have a lot of other things I need to start
doing to, but this is a start!
am hoping some of the things that God has spoken to my heart over the last few
months will be repeated. This time I
will treasure them as life giving words from my King! And I will share them
(unless they are for me alone) knowing they will bless others as well.
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