So what would it look like if every time you opened your Bible, or heard a sermon or God spoke to your heart you determined to apply and obey one take away truth to your life? How would your life and walk change? Where might you be?
So often on Sunday morning we hear a sermon and walk away thinking that was a “good” message.... but then by evening we can’t even remember what the preacher talked about. Let alone have a plan to make it real in our day to day. Or how many times have you opened your Bible in your private quiet time and discovered a beautiful gem of truth... but then a few days later it’s memory has faded. Or what about the times you feel you have heard God whisper for you to do something or say something... but the moment passes with no step forward on your part?
But what if we treasured the Word of God? What if we heard every sermon as if God had something in it for me personally? What if we looked for Rhema words in tho Logos? What if we took those little whispers to heart and valued them as clear cut commands?
Some of you are reading that and saying but of course I treasure God’s Word! I learn so much. Messages, written and heard so often minister to my heart! I try to do His will.
I am not trying to question yours or even my love of God’s Word. But I think we all should seriously weigh out how well we put those truths into practice in our lives.
For me I’m tired of recording a truth in my journal that jumped out at me while reading the word and then some weeks, months or years later recording a similar idea as if it was brand new to me! It greives me when I look back on an idea I Know God inspired only to realize weeks or months have past and I have not obeyed. I want to bring each truth into my life and walk immediately. I want to grab hold of these truths and make them mine.
I’ve felt convicted lately of my own spiritual laziness. Every week I’m renewing my commitment to follow through on something I know I ought to do but I still don’t do it. My journal is full of gems God showed me, but then some months later God is showing me again and I forgot it was a lesson already learned. For months now I’ve had hundreds of little ideas, visions for the future, messages I felt impressed to share, letters to write, phone calls to make etc and I’ve done none of it. Or at-least very little of it. I know my hesitation to follow through is grieving God’s heart.
So what now? Well part of moving forward is just this making a choice to follow through with the things I know God is calling me to.
One of those is to take those little gems of truth discovered in quiet times or built on through a message at church or a good book and share them. I am a teacher of the word who has spent the last year in a half maybe even the last 3 years hiding out in a cave. I’m a dreamer of big visions from God who has kept things close to the vest for way too-long. I’ve walked through a desert of grief...and only just now ready to share the journey of healing out-loud. I’m someone who once committed to live stomped on and retreated....but all along I’ve known God never called us to retreat. He called us and equipped us to to stand our ground and advance!!! To live life with others!!!
So I guess all that to say if I’m doing what I feel God is prompting me your about to hear a lot more from me. Encouragements from scripture, vision for the future and some depth not surface even in the hard stuff!!!
Once I remember my own password I will probably use that blog to share.
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